
Nature & Nurture

Nestled on the eastern slopes of Mayacamas Mountains, Spring Mountain Vineyard gently climbs over 845 acres. Rows of vines hug the hillsides, weaving through wild forests and across sun-drenched slopes. A vast, sprawling landscape of infinite complexity, each block has a unique story, shaped by elevation, soil, and exposure. It's more than just a vineyard; it's a canvas of nature's diversity.‍

With all great vineyards, however, there is a symbiosis between nature and nurture. A confluence of place and purpose that shapes the raw gifts of the site with history, expertise, and vision. Only when we pose questions, set intentions, and aspire for greatness can we unearth the extent of our mountain’s potential.


Of soul

The sheer magnitude of our site creates a palette of unlimited possibilities, each turn of the land giving rise to nuance and depth. Our legendary terrain climbs over 1000 feet in altitude, a scope unmatched in Napa Valley wineries. Influenced by an inversion layer, fog-shrouded conditions below give way to unimpeded sunshine above, often creating a 30-degree difference between the two sites. Here, the only constant is the inconstant, a guarantee that what you find in one block will be wildly different from a block just down the way.

Of soul

Of study

A vision driven by meticulous research and painstaking dedication to detail. Honoring a century of craftsmanship that came before us, we engaged the help of industry luminaries. Combining experience and knowledge with modern technology, we transform rich data into purposeful decisions. This creates the framework for resilience and captures the vibrant expression of place.

Of study

Of synergy

The ultimate step where discovery meets decisions. Through planting choices, we transform our collected knowledge into the tangible – everything from rootstocks to row directions. Our deep understanding of place becomes a shared language, with the magic and beauty of our site translated through the vines.

Of synergy