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2024 Harvest Report: That’s a Wrap!

Peter Ekman
Chief Executive Officer
October 16, 2024
Experience the mountain for yourself

Last week marked the end of our 2024 harvest. Exhilarating yet exhausting, the bustle of trucks, sorting machines, and crushers has been replaced by the rich smell of fermenting grapes and the much quieter buzz of winemaking. With all our grapes in, the cautious optimism that had started earlier this fall now feels real, and we can confidently say that we’re looking at one of the best vintages in a long time.

The anticipation leading up to this moment was the result of an almost perfect growing season. With plentiful winter rains and saturated soils, it got off to an early and healthy start. The spring was warm yet mild, perfect for canopy development and flowering. As the clusters formed, we walked the vineyards frequently, monitoring growth and dropping fruit. Ultimately, we reduced our crop by 30 to 40% of its normal load this year. With our emphasis on quality over quantity, this highly selective process allows the vines to be much more balanced for even ripening and complex flavor development. 

The summer was mild, encouraging slow maturation for excellent phenolic ripeness and sugar-to-acid ratios. A staccato of short heat waves arrived in September, starting with Labor Day, and accelerating harvest. On September 23rd, all the “numbers” fell into perfect alignment. Our red grapes were in the sweet spot of 24-26 Brix with pH’s around 3.6-3.8. When another heat wave hit on September 29th, harvest kicked into full gear. The lights came on and the crew got to work at 4am the next morning.

Our two picking teams, each with eight professionals, worked in coordination through all hours of night and morning. We picked 7-9 tons per day, and delivered it to the crush pad by 6:30am while the grapes were still cool and in excellent condition. It’s always a grueling few weeks, and we are so grateful for our hard working crew.

As the grapes now enter the fermenting tanks, we are truly excited for the potential of the 2024 vintage. Now in the hands of our skilled winemakers, these wines could be magical in a few years. Stay tuned!

Workers wearing reflective safety vests harvest the last grapes of the season at night in a vineyard.